For corporates, Troo offers background check services for various job sectors, ensuring detailed employee history verification to minimize hiring risks and maintain workforce integrity.
TrooTell: Offloading Verification Requests
TrooTell is a unique service that ease the burden of responding to verification requests from your team. On your behalf, TrooTell frees up your team’s valuable time, enabling them to concentrate on core business activities.

- ○ Darwin box
- ○ HRone
- ○ GreytHR
- ○ LeenaAI
- ○ GreyTHR
- ○ Zoho
- ○ Keka
- ○ Peoplestrong & many more*
*speak to our experts for your specific integration requirements
ID – (Aadhar, PAN, DL, Voter ID, vehicle RC)
Address verification – (Physical, Postal & Digital)
Education verification- (Verbal, Letterhead)
Employment verification
Court record check via law firm
Police verification check (PVC)
Police clearance certificate check (PCC)
Global database check (GDC)
Drug panel test
Credit history check
Professional reference check
Bank account verification